17 August 2009

Exciting pattern sheets

My fascination with patterns and grid systems started young. I recently rediscovered this Altair design book in my parents loft, and was interested to read in it that the patterns were developed by the biologist Ensor Holiday whilst he was convalescing after a car crash in the 1960's. The patterns were the result of complex mathematical research into the recurrence and links between certain designs all over the world, from the pottery of Italy to stained glass windows in a French cathedral to patterns on Persian tiles. As Ensor Holiday's work progressed his friends would pester him for designs to take home, as everyone felt an irresistible urge to colour them in.

I created my own skeletal grid out of decagons as the basis of an end paper design (top). This is a work in progress image of the piece I produced for The Hambledon's We are Ten publication. I shall tell all about this when it launches.

And for other grid / pattern fanatics- there's a perfect book out there called Grid Index by Carsten Nicolai. I might just have to update my exciting pattern sheet collection.

1 comment:

  1. I used to have pattern coloring books like these when I was a kid. I loved coloring in them, especially if I was sick in bed for some reason.
